Vision & Mission

General Vision:

By 2035, becoming an outstanding department in advancing science and technology in the field of psychology and shaping "Manusia Jaya" as lifelong learners who are dignified, broad-minded, highly competitive, environmentally conscious, and pioneers of welfare in Southeast Asia.

Scientific Vision:

Developing urban psychology that contributes to improving the quality of life for urban communities.


  1. Implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education professionally and consistently in the field of psychology.
  2. Providing quality education in the field of psychology.
  3. Fostering a research culture to achieve Universitas Pembangunan Jaya as a research university in the field of psychology.
  4. Actively participating in community service activities that are effective and beneficial in the field of psychology.
  5. Shaping "Manusia Jaya" as lifelong learners with noble behavior and high competitiveness, through the application of Nilai-Nilai Jaya in the core scientific design of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya in the field of psychology.
  6. Collaborating nationally and internationally to achieve comparative excellence in the field of psychology.